What To Expect
Pre Sale ~ Sale Days ~ Post Sale
Pre Sale
1. Consultation:
The first step is always a free consultation. This appointment consists of a detailed walk through of the home. Once we have seen everything, we will propose a commission rate for our services. We charge a flat commission on the gross sales, no separate labor and set-up fees, no surprise fees in the end. This rate is determined by factors including what items are for sale, the amount of time needed to prepare the home for the sale and how much labor is involved.
......and please do NOT trash or donate anything, until we take a look. You may be giving away the very things that could be successful at an estate sale!
2. Staging:
We begin the staging process by creating a plan that guides the organization and arrangement of the home, room by room. We believe that when a home is clean, well organized, and properly staged it results in better sale totals for our clients. Customers find more enjoyment in the experience, shop longer and purchase more.
Valuable, small or fragile items will be separated into designated areas and locked in cases.
Sale Permit
Certain cities require a permit to hold an estate sale. We take care of the whole process and make sure we always have a well displayed permit when required.
Our years of experience pricing and selling keeps us very familiar with current market values. For any objects that need extra attention we turn to our pricing resources and accredited appraiser to research the value. We also have relationships with local and national auction houses for any items that we feel are best served by being auctioned to a wider audience.
The gallery to the left showcases a sampling of interesting items we’ve sold.
Describe your image
Describe your image
4. Advertising:
Having your estate advertised properly is key to a great sale. Throughout the pre-sale process we photograph items in the home, creating a comprehensive online photo album showcasing the contents of the estate sale. This enables our customers to “walk” through the sale before the sale even begins. The sale photography is included in the estate sale listing and posted on our social media platforms, FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM
Listings on EstateSales.net & Discovery Antiques.net
EstateSales.net is the most viewed estate sales web site in the country. We have the highest level membership available which gives DISCOVERY sales prime visability over lower membership companies in the area. We also post each sale on discovery antiques.net
Multiple Craigslist Ads & Multiple Print Newspapers
Directional Signs & House Yard Sign
Drive by traffic is key to success for any estate sale. We place directional signs at all of the nearest major streets, lheading customers straight to the sale. No Parking Signs if needed all along one side of the street
Sale Days
Estate Sale:
The sale itself is typically two to three days depending on the size of the house and the number of items. Friday,Saturday & Sunday are common estate sale days. This will be open to the public and managed by us, the owners, as well as our team. A check out table as well as a holding area are set by the front door making it easier to maintain control and flow. All items sold are recorded through our computerized system.
Post Sale
Sale Wrap Up:
What happens to the remaining items is up to you and will most likely have been discussed at the initial consultation. We can look at the remaining items together and decide from there, as there are many options available to you. Within 5 business days of the estate sale, you will receive a check from us with your percentage of the sales along with an inventory list of items sold.